Throughout your life your homes have acted as a sanctuary, someplace you can return to and feel safe and comfortable. Hopefully, as time has gone on you have taken care of your home and kept up with the maintenance required for it to remain your sanctuary. As you get older it may become harder to perform some of the normal maintenance tasks. While some tasks may be more challenging than others we have compiled a list of 4 easy home maintenance tasks that you can continue to perform.
4 Simple Home Maintenance Tips For Seniors
Smoke detectors and Carbon Monoxide detectors are extremely important items to have working properly. Without them, there could be disastrous consequences. It is necessary to replace the batteries in these alarms once a year and to test the alarms every month by pushing the test button.
If the batteries have died, most alarms beep intermittently to let you know they need to be replaced. If you have trouble hearing these beeps make a note on a calendar or somewhere to remind you to replace the batteries about a year after you change them.
Clear Your Path
It can be easy to let things pile up in your home but it is not a good idea to let them pile up in places you need to walk. As you grow older walking steadily can start to become a challenge. It is important that you prioritize keeping a clear, smooth floor to avoid any tripping hazards.
You’ll want to take the time to clear any cords and other obstructions from walking areas. If there are any areas of the floor that are damaged these should also be tended to. It’s important to repair any damages so it doesn’t lead to bigger issues down the road. It is also a good idea to consider putting non-slip rugs in any entryways, hallways, and bathrooms. It’s important to feel safe in your home and not have to worry about tripping or slipping.
Clear the Air
While you may not have had any issues with allergens or dust affecting your person throughout your life, as you grow older these things can change. It is important to try and keep your air as clean as possible to prevent any breathing troubles.
There are a few different areas to check when making sure you have clean air. The first thing you will want to do is check and change any HVAC system filters. After long periods of being run these filters can hold in large amounts of dust and allergens. If you feel comfortable checking these make sure the dryer vents and range hood vents are clean as well. Another item to check is the humidity level in your basement. If it is high consider putting a dehumidifier in the basement to lower the levels. Finally, you’ll want to have your chimney and fireplace cleaned yearly by a professional. These are all important items to maintain clean air.
Home invasions are common throughout the US. It is important that you stay on top of your own protection. Periodically check your doors and windows to make sure they are locked. You’ll also want to make sure the hinges, knobs, and handles are tightened all the way. If they are not it could be an easy access point for people to break in.
On top of checking to make sure everything is locked it may be a good idea to install a security system if you do not have one already installed. This is a great way to protect your home while you are not there. There are some security systems that will also allow you to call in a medical emergency if you were to have one.
The four tips listed above are simple maintenance tips that will allow you to still have some independence when it comes to maintaining your home. As you get older it is important that you do not slack off on keeping up with maintenance items.
If you don’t want to worry about these maintenance items or any others, let us help you by coming in regularly to take care of these items and many more. Call today to set up your FREE IN-HOME CONSULTATION today!
Stay tuned in to our blog for other home maintenance tips and all of the home care needs you need to know!