Commonly Overlooked Home Maintenance Chores - HomeStead Property Watch And Management Services LLC.

So much of our time is consumed in chores around our home, but there are some pretty easy and commonly overlooked chores you may be forgetting. So we wanted to remind you of a few easy and important home maintenance chores you may be forgetting.

Commonly Overlooked Home Maintenance Chores

Commonly Overlooked



Reverse Your Ceiling Fan

Did you know that reversing your ceiling fans can actually help you keep your home warmer this winter?

When you reverse the direction your ceiling fan turns, it helps to suck the warm air near the ceiling back down to the bottom of the room, allowing the warm air to continue circulating throughout.

So as you turn your furnace and heaters on, make sure to flip the switch and reverse those ceiling fans, too.

Crawl Space



Close Your Crawl Space Vents

If you have a crawl space, you likely have small vents around your foundation as well, and this is the time to close those. 

This will help protect your pipes from freezing by preventing cold air from coming in.

It will also keep critters from coming inside your home looking for warmth.


Furnace Filters

Change Your Furnace Filters

Changing your furnace filters regularly will help you save on energy costs and keep the air in your home fresher and cleaner this winter.

A dirty furnace filter can not only cause your furnace to run less efficiently, but the dust in the air can cause allergen issues for you and your family.

Make sure you are regularly replacing your furnace filters every 3 months.


Clean Your Refrigerator Coils

The refrigerator coils are used to cool and condense refrigerant which keeps the air inside your refrigerator at the optimum temperature.

If the coils are clogged, they can’t release heat efficiently, which causes the compressor to work harder and use more energy and places the entire appliance under strain.

Keep your fridge running efficiently by vacuuming off your refrigerator coils.


If you are interested in having someone help you maintain some of these commonly overlooked home maintenance chores, contact us and talk to us about our Home Maintenance Packages! We specialize in coming in and taking care of some of these regular home maintenance items so that homeowners don’t have to worry about them.

So contact us today so you don’t have to worry about these anymore!

Not Sure Where To Start With Your Home’s Maintenance?

Our partner Norway Hill Home Inspections can help you get a clear picture of your home’s maintenance needs and help you create a maintenance plan for fixing the most important things first.

Get a home inspection done by our partner Norway Hill Home Inspections today!